Gear Review: Is a Copper Compression Knee Sleeve the Right Fit for You?
Colleen tries out the Copper Compression Knee Sleeve in this travel gear review. (Photo by John Roberts)
Colleen tries the Copper Compression Recovery Knee Sleeve in this gear review. Copper Compression asked us to review this sleeve, and we thought it makes sense for our readers who like to stay fit. Like you, we are travelers who seek out some fun adventures during our travels, whether it’s hiking, biking, running or going on vigorous walking tours through old European cities with beautiful cobbled streets (those can be especially taxing on the feet, ankles and knees).
This type of knee sleeve might be something that fits into your active lifestyle, especially for those of us who have had some aches and pains and injuries. Here’s what Colleen had to say about it.
Have You Ever Tried a Compression Sleeve Before?
No. This was the first time I’ve tried a compression sleeve.
Why Did You Try the Copper Compression Knee Sleeve?
I’ve had a knee injury for several years. It was caused by overuse. After seeing a knee specialist, he recommended I consider trying some kind of sleeve or brace for support for high-impact exercise.
How Did It Feel?
It’s tight and feels supportive. It has grips on the top and bottom so it stays in place. I feel like it’s offering a light amount of support, which is mostly what I need for exercise.
Did It Help at All?
Colleen uses the sleeve during her step workout. (Photo by John Roberts)
I first tried it for step aerobics — an old-school form of exercise that I still love but haven’t been able to do since my injury. Usually, the pain in my knee flairs up almost instantly if I’m taking steps or hiking up stairs or steeper inclines. The first time I used the Copper Compression Knee Sleeve, I made it through a full 35-minute class without pain, and I didn’t have pain the next day, either.
I also tried it for support with weight workouts for my legs, and I felt like it was just enough support to provide confidence without pain.
I wore it a second time for step aerobics, and that time, I felt some pain about halfway through my class. I ended up stopping because I didn’t want to set myself back in terms of my healing.
It actually prompted me to purchase a more stabilizing brace — bigger, bulkier, a bit more uncomfortable, but it provides more support for this high-impact workout.
I’ve used the Copper Compression Knee Sleeve several times more for leg workouts, and I think it’s just the right amount of support for those. I’ve also used it for running.
My hope is that with continued healing, I can trade in the bulkier brace for the Copper Compression Sleeve for step aerobics and my active outings during my travels, as the sleeve is so much more comfortable and easier to use. Plus, it takes up no space in my luggage.
So, I am putting it in my travel kit so I can take it on the road with me to wear during my hikes and long walks. It takes up far less room in my suitcase than the big brace does.
Who/What Do You Think It Is Best For?
The Copper Compression Knee Sleeve is probably best for people with minor knee issues who just want a little more support when they’re exercising. Bigger knee problems likely required more stability than the sleeve provides. It’s also a good idea for those who travel, as it’s no bigger than a sock.